The use of competition and regulatory powers: cross sectoral cooperation between regulators
Delivered as part of ‘Coherence and stability in regulatory practice’, Annual Westminster Conference 2014
Delivered as part of ‘Coherence and stability in regulatory practice’, Annual Westminster Conference 2014
Delivered as part of ‘Coherence and stability in regulatory practice’, Annual Westminster Conference 2014
Delivered as part of ‘Challenges to existing regulatory structures and paradigms’, Annual Competition and Regulation Conference 2010
Delivered as part of ‘The role of competition in public policy’, Annual Westminster Conference 2010
Delivered as part of ‘The role of competition in public policy’, Annual Westminster Conference 2010
Delivered as part of ‘The role of competition in public policy’, Annual Westminster Conference 2010
Delivered as part of ‘The role of competition in public policy’, Annual Westminster Conference 2010
Delivered as part of ‘The role of competition in public policy’, Annual Westminster Conference 2010
Delivered as part of ‘The role of competition in public policy’, Annual Westminster Conference 2010