Assessing regulatory adaptation: energy and financial services
Delivered as part of ‘Too busy to think’, Annual Westminster Conference 2017
Delivered as part of ‘Too busy to think’, Annual Westminster Conference 2017
Delivered as part of ‘Too busy to think’, Annual Westminster Conference 2017
Delivered as part of ‘Too busy to think’, Annual Westminster Conference 2017
Delivered as part of ‘Too busy to think’, Annual Westminster Conference 2017
Delivered as part of ‘Too busy to think’, Annual Westminster Conference 2017
Too busy to think? Entropic processes in regulatory policies: Programme notes
Delivered as part of ‘Too busy to think’, Annual Westminster Conference 2017
Delivered as part of ‘The evolution of UK regulatory policy in retrospect: What has worked well? What hasn’t? What can be learned from experience?’, Annual Competition and Regulation Conference 2016
Delivered as part of ‘The evolution of UK regulatory policy in retrospect: What has worked well? What hasn’t? What can be learned from experience?’, Annual Competition and Regulation Conference 2016
Delivered as part of ‘The evolution of UK regulatory policy in retrospect: What has worked well? What hasn’t? What can be learned from experience?’, Annual Competition and Regulation Conference 2016
Delivered as part of ‘The evolution of UK regulatory policy in retrospect: What has worked well? What hasn’t? What can be learned from experience?’, Annual Competition and Regulation Conference 2016