Day: January 1, 2021


New Programme of Work

The RPI Research Group is currently in the process developing a programme of work under the general thematic heading “Rethinking Regulation”, which is also the theme for the RPI’s events activities as countries gradually emerge from the Covid period. This reflects a view that institutional arrangements for, and associated policies toward, the regulation of commercial activity would benefit from rather fundamental reviews in the light of changing economic contexts triggered by factors such as Covid, climate change issues, and, in the specific cases of the UK and EU, Brexit. The research programme is being developed in cooperation with the RPI’s sister network, the Regulatory Policy Institute of Australia and New Zealand. To get involved, please see further on the ‘About’ page and fill in the Enquiries form below.

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Rethinking Regulation

The purpose of this document is to seek support for, and encourage participation in, the future research programme of the Regulatory Policy Institute in the UK, in co-operation with its sister network, the Regulatory Policy Institute of Australia and New Zealand (RPI ANZ).

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Institutional Innovation Initiative & the Energy Transition

The Energy Transition represents an unprecedented challenge for Policy Makers. The speed and magnitude of emissions abatement demanded by the 2008 Climate Change Act, whose 4th & 5th carbon budgets are currently off course, combined with the subsequent increased ambition signalled by the UK 2050 Net-zero commitment made in 2019, along with the recent course-correcting commitment to target a 68% fall in emissions by 2030 vs. the 1990 baseline, requires the rapid promotion and diffusion of clean energy innovation with action extending to the hard-to-abate sectors dominated by buildings, industry and transport.

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The Role of Regulation & Policy in facilitating the optimal lowest cost integration of Variable Renewable Energy

Variable Renewable Energy (VRE) from wind and solar is frequently cited as the solution to UK Electricity decarbonisation. Technology learning curves suggest that, depending on location, wind and solar, which accounted for ~8% of global electricity generation in 2019, are currently, or projected to become, the “cheapest” source of new generation in most countries by 2030.

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Public Institutional Approaches to Renewable Energy Innovation

The RPI Research Group is currently in the process of developing a programme of work which explores the most effective approaches to public institutional initiative in support of renewable energy innovation. To get involved, please see further on the ‘About’ page and fill in the Enquiries form below.

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Regulation to Promote the Optimal Integration of Variable Renewable Energy

The RPI Research Group is currently in the process of developing a programme of work which explores how regulation in conjunction with policy might promote the integration of variable renewable energy technologies into the electricity system in a lowest cost manner. This research programme is being developed with input from experts in Energy Systems and Policy at UCL Bartlett , Energy System Catapult and the Investec Power & Utilities Research Team. To get involved, please see further on the ‘About’ page and fill in the Enquiries form below.

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Net zero by 2050 as a strategic objective

This note has a specific and limited purpose: to consider the appropriateness of a target of ‘net zero by 2050’ as the overarching strategic objective of a national policy to reduce carbon emissions.

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