Regulation and competition with captive customers
Delivered as part of ‘The discovery, assessment and use of evidence in regulatory and competition law decision making’, Annual Competition and Regulation Conference 2018
Delivered as part of ‘The discovery, assessment and use of evidence in regulatory and competition law decision making’, Annual Competition and Regulation Conference 2018
Delivered as part of ‘The discovery, assessment and use of evidence in regulatory and competition law decision making’, Annual Competition and Regulation Conference 2018
Delivered as part of ‘The discovery, assessment and use of evidence in regulatory and competition law decision making’, Annual Competition and Regulation Conference 2018
Delivered as part of ‘The discovery, assessment and use of evidence in regulatory and competition law decision making’, Annual Competition and Regulation Conference 2018
Delivered as part of ‘The discovery, assessment and use of evidence in regulatory and competition law decision making’, Annual Competition and Regulation Conference 2018
Delivered as part of ‘The discovery, assessment and use of evidence in regulatory and competition law decision making’, Annual Competition and Regulation Conference 2018
Delivered as part of ‘The discovery, assessment and use of evidence in regulatory and competition law decision making’, Annual Competition and Regulation Conference 2018
Delivered as part of ‘The discovery, assessment and use of evidence in regulatory and competition law decision making’, Annual Competition and Regulation Conference 2018
When first posted this blog referred to Article 124(1) of the draft Withdrawal Agreement of March 2018. It has been adjusted to reflect the Article
Withdrawal from the EU (Brexit) will occur at an instant on 29 March 2019 and that moment divides the policy questions and processes entailed by