Day: April 23, 2015

Role of regulation in facilitating efficient investment
Delivered as part of ‘Regulation of markets and networks in the UK: the state of play in a period of economic and political insecurity’, Annual Westminster Conference 2015

The Independence of Economic Regulators
Delivered as part of ‘Regulation of markets and networks in the UK: the state of play in a period of economic and political insecurity’, Annual Westminster Conference 2015

Regulation and consumer’s interests
Delivered as part of ‘Regulation of markets and networks in the UK: the state of play in a period of economic and political insecurity’, Annual Westminster Conference 2015

Remedies in financial services markets
Delivered as part of ‘Regulation of markets and networks in the UK: the state of play in a period of economic and political insecurity’, Annual Westminster Conference 2015

Regulatory Challenges in the Financial Sector
Delivered as part of ‘Regulation of markets and networks in the UK: the state of play in a period of economic and political insecurity’, Annual Westminster Conference 2015

The purposes and functions of economic regulation
Delivered as part of ‘Regulation of markets and networks in the UK: the state of play in a period of economic and political insecurity’, Annual Westminster Conference 2015

The role of regulation in facilitating efficient investment
Delivered as part of ‘Regulation of markets and networks in the UK: the state of play in a period of economic and political insecurity’, Annual Westminster Conference 2015