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The UK’s carbon price floor policy

This year’s (2011) series of Beesley lectures was opened by Dieter Helm’s wide ranging examination of the UK government’s Electricity Market Reform (EMR) proposals and closed by Paul Dawson’s focused dissection of the carbon price support policy that has been developed alongside the EMR programme.
The opening lecture and the discussion that followed it illustrated the rather unusual state of affairs that exists in energy policymaking at the moment: there appears to be a consensus among leading economists familiar with the energy sector that the EMR proposals are badly flawed, and that they can be expected to fail.

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Energy regulation: lessons from experience

The Chairman has asked us to consider two decades of regulation but, in dealing with energy regulation, I have to look much farther back into the past – some fifty years – to see the present situation in context. Regulation of the two energy utilities is bounded by much wider regulation of all the energy industries, the so-called “energy policies” that British governments have almost always had. Over the last few years, there has been a move from minimal energy policy constraints to a state in which those constraints are once again binding, indeed dominant.

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Review of Guernsey’s utility regulatory regime

This report constitutes our assessment of Guernsey’s utility regulatory system as applied to the regulation of electricity, post and telecoms, and it includes recommendations for change to improve the framework and conduct of regulation. Although initially triggered by issues noted in the April 2010 Requête, the scope of the Review has broadened to take account of other structural, policy and institutional factors. We consider this broadening desirable, as any assessment of the effectiveness of a regulatory regime requires an examination not just of the regulator, but also of the broader policy and institutional structure of government within which regulation operates.

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