The electricity and telecommunications sectors in Spain: Rapid change, regulators at the crossroads
This study highlights limits to real reform in the electricity and telecommunications sectors in Spain
This study highlights limits to real reform in the electricity and telecommunications sectors in Spain
An overview of the recent liberalisation of the telecommunications, electricity, and railways sectors in Germany.
Between July 1995 and January 1996 a series of one-to-one reviews were carried out with all the regulatory bodies, seven investment analysts, five companies each in the electricity and water industries, British Gas (BG), British Telecom (BT and British Airports Authority (BAA). Issues focused on the sources and nature of risk, the cost of capital and other pressing concerns of interviewees. This document provides a summary of the views expressed.
A personal perspective on the regulatory relationships, their workings, and their effects on the way business operates, including: remarks of a somewhat theoretical kind about the nature of regulation in a free market economy; an examination of the way in which ideas on what regulation is about have been incorporated into the regime for telecommunications and how these ideas have actually worked in practice; and some proposals for reform