Retail energy market regulation: a case study in how not to do things…
Delivered as part of ‘Regulatory Pathologies: Diagnosis and Remediation’, Annual Westminster Conference 2018
Delivered as part of ‘Regulatory Pathologies: Diagnosis and Remediation’, Annual Westminster Conference 2018
Delivered as part of ‘Regulatory Pathologies: Diagnosis and Remediation’, Annual Westminster Conference 2018
Delivered as part of ‘Regulatory Pathologies: Diagnosis and Remediation’, Annual Westminster Conference 2018
As the Brexit negotiations begin to focus on future trading and customs arrangements these
notes reprise the principal theme of Brexit and the Single Market2 (published in July 2016 in
the wake of the referendum) and add comments on some aspects of the subsequent discourse.
Very briefly, my conclusion back then was that the most efficacious way to respond to the
Leave vote on 23 June 2016 would be to seek a Brexit based on the UK’s continued
membership of the European Economic Area (EEA) in the period immediately following
withdrawal from the Treaty of Lisbon. There were three main reasons for taking this view.
Delivered as part of ‘In a period of great disturbance and volatility’, Annual Competition and Regulation Conference 2017
“Digital Revolution”, “Disruptive Innovation”
and Conduct Assessment:
New Insights Needed for Enforcement?
Thoughts on platforms, foreclosure, and algorithmic collusion
RPI Annual Competition and Regulation Conference
26-27 September 2017
Delivered as part of ‘In a period of great disturbance and volatility’, Annual Competition and Regulation Conference 2017
Delivered as part of ‘In a period of great disturbance and volatility’, Annual Competition and Regulation Conference 2017
Delivered as part of ‘In a period of great disturbance and volatility’, Annual Competition and Regulation Conference 2017