Chairman slides Privatisation Seminar Nov 2019
Delivered as part of ‘Has the privatisation experiment been a success with 30 years of evidence?’, Hertford Seminar in Regulation 2019
Delivered as part of ‘Has the privatisation experiment been a success with 30 years of evidence?’, Hertford Seminar in Regulation 2019
Delivered as part of ‘Investing in utility networks with less reliance on markets and more uncertainty: how do we deliver security and efficiency?’, Hertford Seminar in Regulation 2019
Delivered as part of ‘Regulation and public interest ourcomes in energy and water: moving beyond compliance and towards a sustainable ‘licence to operate’ for a disrupted world”, Hertford Seminar in Regulation 2018
Delivered as part of ‘Reflections on the Government review of Ofwat’, Hertford Seminar in Regulation 2011
Delivered as part of ‘Is there an end game for regulation with competitive markets’, Hertford Seminar in Regulation 2000
Speech to the Hertford Seminar in Regulation, ‘New challenges in competition policy’