Mapping the boundary between consumer protection policy and competition policy: when does consumer protection become anti-competitive
Delivered as part of ‘Symposium’, Annual Competition and Regulation Conference 2015
Delivered as part of ‘Symposium’, Annual Competition and Regulation Conference 2015
Delivered as part of ‘Regulation of markets and networks in the UK: the state of play in a period of economic and political insecurity’, Annual Westminster Conference 2015
Delivered as part of ‘Regulation of markets and networks in the UK: the state of play in a period of economic and political insecurity’, Annual Westminster Conference 2015
Delivered as part of ‘Regulation of markets and networks in the UK: the state of play in a period of economic and political insecurity’, Annual Westminster Conference 2015
Delivered as part of ‘Regulation of markets and networks in the UK: the state of play in a period of economic and political insecurity’, Annual Westminster Conference 2015
Delivered as part of ‘Regulation of markets and networks in the UK: the state of play in a period of economic and political insecurity’, Annual Westminster Conference 2015
Delivered as part of ‘Regulation of markets and networks in the UK: the state of play in a period of economic and political insecurity’, Annual Westminster Conference 2015
Delivered as part of ‘Regulation of markets and networks in the UK: the state of play in a period of economic and political insecurity’, Annual Westminster Conference 2015
Delivered as part of ‘Coherence and stability in regulatory practice’, Annual Westminster Conference 2014
Delivered as part of ‘Coherence and stability in regulatory practice’, Annual Westminster Conference 2014