Retail energy market regulation: a case study in how not to do things…
Delivered as part of ‘Regulatory Pathologies: Diagnosis and Remediation’, Annual Westminster Conference 2018
Delivered as part of ‘Regulatory Pathologies: Diagnosis and Remediation’, Annual Westminster Conference 2018
Delivered as part of ‘Regulatory Pathologies: Diagnosis and Remediation’, Annual Westminster Conference 2018
Delivered as part of ‘Regulatory Pathologies: Diagnosis and Remediation’, Annual Westminster Conference 2018
Delivered as part of ‘In a period of great disturbance and volatility’, Annual Competition and Regulation Conference 2017
“Digital Revolution”, “Disruptive Innovation”
and Conduct Assessment:
New Insights Needed for Enforcement?
Thoughts on platforms, foreclosure, and algorithmic collusion
RPI Annual Competition and Regulation Conference
26-27 September 2017
Delivered as part of ‘In a period of great disturbance and volatility’, Annual Competition and Regulation Conference 2017
Delivered as part of ‘In a period of great disturbance and volatility’, Annual Competition and Regulation Conference 2017
Delivered as part of ‘In a period of great disturbance and volatility’, Annual Competition and Regulation Conference 2017
Delivered as part of ‘In a period of great disturbance and volatility’, Annual Competition and Regulation Conference 2017