Day: September 26, 2017

‘Digital revolution’, ‘Disruptive innovation’ and conduct assessment: new insights needed for enforcement?
“Digital Revolution”, “Disruptive Innovation”
and Conduct Assessment:
New Insights Needed for Enforcement?
Thoughts on platforms, foreclosure, and algorithmic collusion
RPI Annual Competition and Regulation Conference
26-27 September 2017

Digital markets and new challenges
Delivered as part of ‘In a period of great disturbance and volatility’, Annual Competition and Regulation Conference 2017

Digital comparison tools
Delivered as part of ‘In a period of great disturbance and volatility’, Annual Competition and Regulation Conference 2017

Brexit and the political economy of regulation
Delivered as part of ‘In a period of great disturbance and volatility’, Annual Competition and Regulation Conference 2017

Pandora’s box of online ills: We should turn to technology and market driven solutions before imposing regulation or using competition law
Delivered as part of ‘In a period of great disturbance and volatility’, Annual Competition and Regulation Conference 2017

How can regulators demonstrate they are improving outcomes for consumers
Delivered as part of ‘In a period of great disturbance and volatility’, Annual Competition and Regulation Conference 2017

Brexit and the political economy of regulation
This essay is a developed version of the Zeeman Lecture given at the Regulatory Policy Institute’s Annual Conference on 26 September 2017 at Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford University. The motivation for the Lecture was that, in the period since the Brexit Referendum on 23 June 2016, politicians, interest groups, journalists and commentators have fed the public a steady diet of alternative facts and false or misleading propositions. The Lecture focused on three of a much wider set of such assertions and propositions. All are relevant to the future conduct of regulatory policy, though each in different ways. Each is associated with a cognitive style that I have called convenient, selective myopia.

Challenges in energy regulation
Delivered as part of ‘In a period of great disturbance and volatility’, Annual Competition and Regulation Conference 2017

Hinkley Point C: Value for money? Wider lessons?
Delivered as part of ‘In a period of great disturbance and volatility’, Annual Competition and Regulation Conference 2017